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Environment & Energy



Due to environmental carelessness and interest in short term profits, people in the Balkan countries are suffering from poor, unhealthy living conditions. Additionally, they face stagnating economies, high unemployment, unsustainable pension systems and oversized public sectors. Greening public policy and the economy means empowering people to find creative and participatory solutions to develop ways out of the current crisis. 

Zooming in and Zooming out: From COVID Crisis to Climate Crisis and Back

Our Environmental Program Coordinator, Damjan Bogunović speaks on the Belgrade Open School Fusing Futures podcast on the parallels between the COVID-19 crisis and the climate crisis in our region and in the world.

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Air quality - How to win the Game of Dodgeball

A collection of articles and videos produced to accompany the conference entitled "How to win the Air Pollution Dodgeball" held in December 2020.

KOD: Small hydropower plants: The Kutska River

Small hydropower plants: The Kutska River - Organizacija KOD

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perspectives 2022

Perspectives - Green Transition and Social (In)justice

After decades of warnings, it seems that the green transition – the huge change that should slow down, mitigate, and eventually stop, if not reverse, the threatening deterioration of living conditions on this planet – is finally on everybody’s lips.  This edition of Perspectives explains the concept of a just transition - a way to make the change without leaving anyone behind.
environmental issues perceptions

Environmental Issues Perceptions 2021

Opinion poll
The Heinrich Bell Foundation, in cooperation with IPSOS, conducted a public opinion poll on the environment and ecology in late October and early November. The research topics were: ecology, air and water pollution, waste management, climate change, environmental priorities and solving environmental problems.
coalition 27 report 2021 cover

Progress in Lockdown

Shadow Report
Over the past year, we have witnessed ever-increasing public interest in issues related to the environment and climate change. In spite of this, progress on Chapter 27 has, in many ways, remained in quarantine.

Out of pace or Out of the Race?

Fact Sheet
Our world is facing one of its greatest challenges: the race to zero (emissions) and climate-neutrality. To stay on track, science warns of the required stage times, especially for the next decade, through to the year 2030. In this brochure, we present comparative data relevant for the establishment of energy profiles of the Western Balkan countries, “contracting parties” to the Energy Community Treaty, and how they might win the race.

The Ocean Atlas

Overfishing, the loss of biodiversity, and an immense pollution – the seas are under stress. The Ocean Atlas 2017 delivers in more than 40 infographics and articles all the relevant data, facts and contexts.