Democracy and Human Rights

Narratives in the Balkans - In the Combat Zone #6

Open confrontations in the post-Yugoslav wars gave the advocates of ethno-nationalist ideologies (and their users) plenty of experiences or "proof" which "confirmed" all previous fears and concerns: "they" (another ethnic collective) are "out to get us". The wartime period, as well as post-war years,  have been featured by spreading narratives which concretizes the abstract and empty ideology of ethnicity.

Equal Chances for All Media

Research and study for 2016, "Equal Chances for All Media", is a result of a project in cooperation with and support of the Heinrich Boell Foundation's Belgrade office.

Perspectives SEE - Captured states in the Balkans #4

This issue of Perspectives deals with the phenomenon of state capture - corruption and nepotism and their impact on the rule of law and the lives of citizens in Bosnia-Herzegovina. It also highlights the practice of allocating jobs to suitable and non-competent people, the influence of politics on education, freedom of the press, nationalism as an instrument of political elites for power conservation, and other issues.

Overcoming Barriers to Business and Normalization

The Policy Paper “Overcoming barriers to business and normalization – Research of the economic and legal framework for doing business between Serbia and Kosovo” was prepared by the Forum for Ethnic Relations (FER) as part of the project “Economic Environment of Serbian Community in North Kosovo“supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation’ Office for Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo in Belgrade, in 2015, 2016 and 2017.