Perspectives SEE - Captured states in the Balkans #4

Product details
Date of Publication
September 2017
Heinrich Böll Foundation, Sarajevo
Number of Pages
Language of publication
Table of contents
2 state capture in the Balkans – l’état c’est nous!
Marion Kraske
5 introductory note – peculiarities of state capture
Srđan Dvornik
who captures what?
7 kidnapped state or state sponsored kidnapping
Žarko Puhovski
modes and instruments of state capture
10 BiH’s un-reformable public administration – an instrument of state capture
Bodo Weber
15 dismantling Bosnia and Herzegovina’s fractured authoritarianism
Jasmin Mujanović
20 state capture: how to save the Macedonian democratic consolidation and EU enlargement
Zhidas Daskalovski
26 judiciary as a mechanism of state capture: external actors, party patronage and informality
Arolda Elbasani
31 Serbia: hijacked and appropriated state
Đorđe Pavićević
35 state capture in the Western Balkans
Leon Runje
culture and media
40 ethno-geo-political entrepreneurs and the creation of internal homelands in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sead Turčalo
46 impotent media and potent business-political oligarchy
Helena Puljiz
50 uneducation policy: captured education
Nenad Veličković
experiences with captured states
53 successfully maintained obstructions
Zlatko Dizdarević
56 local captured state – an empirical view
Nives Miošić-Lisjak
59 the story of a party’s attempt to prevent democratic alternation of power
Jovan Bliznakovski