Human Rights

report on hate motivated incidents 2022

Transphobia and Homophobia in Serbia - 2022

This publication is a Report on illegal actions against queer people in 2022, which Da se zna! has documented during this period. The structure of the documented illegal actions still shows that safeguarding the right to physical and psychological integrity remains the queer community's greatest challenge, while the scope of discrimination has reduced, or the need to report it has lessened. 
the past is now

Perspectives: The Past is Now

After the devastating wars on the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, in recent decades, we have observed that the (re)construction of national historiographies is also driving societies further and further apart. Despite the gloomy picture drawn in this publication, coming to terms with the region’s traumatic history could be an essential contribution to European unification. With this publication, we hope to provide an impulse to that end.
dsz 2022 cover eng

Grasp the Truth Based on Facts 5

 This publication is a report on illegal incidents aimed against queer persons which took place in 2021, which Da se zna! has registered during this period. The Report segregates data from reports on these incidents so as to include an analysis of: the source of the incident report; the location where the incident happened; the type of injury sustained by the survivor, their personal characteristics and their intersection, as well as the status of the reported incident in process before the authorities.