Energija na drugi način, Studije slučaja - Srbija

This publication presents three case studies which consider certain possibilities of improving energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in Serbia. The case studies were selected based on their respective sectoral significances and potential positive environmental and social externalities which would enable their implementation. None of the presented studies belong to the domain of so-called „macro-energy industry”, however, they can have a positive impact on this level, as well. Three case studies are elaborated: benefits from building wooden houses, replacement of inefficient solid fuel combustion devices, primarily of heating wood, and the production of electricity by means of photovoltaic cells installed on the rooftops.

The publication is available in Serbian with an Executive Summary in English.

Authors: Aleksandar Macura, Jasminka Young and Zvezdan Kalmar.


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Product details
Date of Publication
Heinrich Böll Foundation
All rights reserved
Language of publication