
energy efficincy eng

Review of the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational use of Energy

Considering that the system of EU energy regulations is a process of harmonization and balance between scientific, technological and social development related to energy consumption and the fight against climate change, in the Republic of Serbia, the need arose over time to adopt, in accordance with the "Clean Energy for All Europeans" package, a new law that will regulate the field of energy efficiency - the Law on Energy Efficiency and Rational Use of Energy

Overcoming Barriers to Business and Normalization

The Policy Paper “Overcoming barriers to business and normalization – Research of the economic and legal framework for doing business between Serbia and Kosovo” was prepared by the Forum for Ethnic Relations (FER) as part of the project “Economic Environment of Serbian Community in North Kosovo“supported by the Heinrich Böll Foundation’ Office for Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo in Belgrade, in 2015, 2016 and 2017.