Democracy and Human Rights

The Cost of Patriarchy

Only one in ten women in Kosovo are employed, and another one in ten would like to get a job. The other eight are neither employed nor looking to get a job – discouraged to do so because they are already busy taking care of children and the elderly or for a host of their reasons. This paper asks the extent to which Kosovo’s growth rate would increase if more women were seeking work.  

Perspectives SEE - Young Adults #1

Perspectives Southeastern Europe (SEE) is a publication series produced in cooperation between the SEE branches of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. With this series, we aim to provide, primarily for the foreign readership, better insight into specific Southeastern European perspectives, as well as to analyze global societal and political trends reflected through the prism of our region. The focus of Perspectives SEE shall remain mainly on the countries in SEE where the Foundation has established its offices and/or where our activities are being carried out: Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania and Macedonia. The first issue of Perspectives Southeastern Europe is dedicated to the specific status of young adults in the Balkans, given the fact that they are featured by a different form of transition to adulthood as compared to their Western European peers. Namely, the countries of Eastern and Southeastern Europe are characterized by a transition to adulthood that has been very much standardized in the tradition of communist government systems.   A hard copy of this issue you can order from our Belgrade office.