View from my window

"Views: Personal histories of Serbs and Albanians" (View from my window) was a project which aimed at enabling Albanians and Serbs to tell their life stories to each other: stories from the past and from the present, always told from a subjective perspective. We believed that a great deal of misunderstanding, distrust and hate between Serbs and Albanian is based on generalized perceptions of the other ethnic group which creates prejudices and keeps them alive. The cultural dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia has perished in the last 20 years. This project exposed our mutual history through personal stories and testimonies of ordinary people, created a theater play that presented the relations between Albanians and Serbs, their differences and similarities. The project partners believed that, after 10 years of the conflict in Kosovo, the time came to present the success story of fruitful cooperation between artists from Kosovo and Serbia. This cooperation had positive results that should set an example to others.

Product details
Date of Publication
November 2010
Association Kulturanova
All rights reserved