Climate change is not only a natural phenomenon but also a political issue. Mitigation and adaptation measures are decided by states and negotiated in international forums and these decisions are fundamentally political. Negotiations with the EU as well as the Paris Agreement bring with them new political obligations and will require new solutions and broad societal dialogue on what is necessary to change in our economy, infrastructure and everyday life.
The series has been published since 2014. Here you may find some of the articles translated to English:
How My Family Used To Keep Warm (Vreme no. 1344, 6 October 2016) Improving energy efficiency of wood burning stoves could not only significantly contribute to improving comfort and health but also to significant savings which could cumulatively exceed one hundred million Euros annually. This money could be spent on something else, thus creating much needed demand for goods and services which is the only way to sustainably increase employment. vreme_1344_how_my_family_used_to_keep_warm.pdf
Vrbas - A Role Model for Serbia (Vreme no 1345, 13 October 2016) How did two engineers, with the help of a local self-government, start from scratch and made a well-rounded system which cares for the public spending on energy; how much did they save in their municipality and the problems they faced. vreme_1345_vrbas_a_role_model_for_serbia.pdf
Necessary, and yet Absent (Vreme no. 1348, 3 November 2016) Despite numerous undisputed benefits of cycling as a mobility mode, in Belgrade, “His Royal Highness the Car” is still the absolute sovereign with not much chance of changing this any time soon. vreme_1348_necessary_and_yet_absent.pdf
Climate Strategy – An Opportunity for a Clean Start (Vreme no. 1349, 10 November 2016) It is unrealistic to expect that several public servants have superhuman abilities and capacities to every now and then, deliver visionary documents which should guide us in a completely new direction in a completely novel way. Including stakeholders in the process of public policy development is a key tool for enhancing transparency, quality and effectiveness of policies. vreme_1349_climate_strategy_an_opportuniy_for_a_clean_start.pdf